
Birkdale raise money on an annual basis for local and international charities. Over many years the school has successfully raised tens of thousands of pounds for worthy causes.

Birkdale Senior School Charity 2023/24

We are very pleased to announce our School Charity for 2023-2024 for the Senior School, will be Africa’s Gift which supports largely rural communities in southern Africa (principally Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and Malawi) and Uganda, working closely with community members to effect change through the development of practical solutions to clearly identified needs.

For more information please go to

Birkdale Prep School Charity 2023/24

The Prep School charity for 23/24 is Baby Basics which is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby. Baby Basics started in Sheffield in the spring of 2009, this centre continues to support families across Sheffield working with a wide range of frontline health and social care professionals. There is an ever increasing network of Baby Basics centres across the country each staffed by a committed team of volunteers.

Baby Basics provides much needed essentials and equipment to mothers and families who are unable to provide these items for themselves; including but not limited to teenage mums, people seeking asylum and women fleeing domestic abuse and trafficking.

For more information go to