Ethics Prizes 2024
This competition is only open to pupils at Birkdale School. Only individual entries can be accepted. One entry per person.
Ethics is about looking at how we should act, what’s right and what’s wrong. How should people be treated? How should animals or the environment be treated?
What ethical issue do you think we should be paying attention to?
Some examples: poverty and homelessness; modern day slavery; genetic engineering; war and conflict; climate change.
The Deadline
Submissions for all 3 ethics prizes should be uploaded to the appropriate Google Classroom by 5pm on Wednesday 1st May.
You are allowed to ask for advice from your teachers. Please email Mr Pearson with any questions about the prizes. Good luck!

Competition Rules:
1. S1-4 Ethics Project – one prize £20
a) Research Project
In not more than 1500 words, produce a research project with pictures or diagrams that informs the reader of an ethical issue or problem and considers potential solutions. If the subject is from the past, you should comment on what we can learn from it. Include a conclusion, summarising your view or your message.
Use Word or Google docs. Any quotations you use should be clearly placed inside inverted commas. The use of AI is not allowed!
b) Creative Project
This could be anything – painting; poster; poem; music or story (limited to 1000 words) – with an ethical message or point.
Then add up to 500 words of writing to explain your piece. Describe the importance of the issue and explain the message you wish to give.
Final pieces of art need to be photographed, other items should be recorded on MP3 or 4. Accompanying text should be in Word or Google docs.
The deadline for competition entries is 5pm, Wednesday 1st May.
Submit your entry on the Google Classroom
2. L6 Ethics Essay – one prize £40
In not more than 2000 words, describe and explain an ethical issue or dilemma, evaluate responses to that issue and conclude with your view on the best approach or solution, or the key point you want to make.
Any ethical subject matter, past or present is allowed. However, essays on historical subjects ought to mention the lessons learnt from the past.
All quotations should be referenced using the Harvard system:
‘This is an excellent quotation’ (Pearson 2024 p.2).
Books and websites are then listed in a bibliography at the end:
Pearson, TJ, (2024) Ethics Prize Rules. Birkdale School website.
Quotations and references in your text are included in your word count. Any footnotes are also included. The bibliography is not included in your word count.
The use of AI is strictly prohibited!
3. L6 Ethics Project – one prize £40
This could be any artefact or creative piece: painting; art installation; poem; short story (limited to 1500 words); photograph or film (limited to 10 minutes). Contact Mr Pearson if you’re unsure whether your item will be accepted.
Then add up to 1000 words of prose to explain your piece. Describe the significance of the issue and explain the message you wish to convey.
The aim is to draw attention to an ethical issue, raise awareness and make an ethical statement or convey a message.
Your item should be photographed or recorded – audio should be in MP3 format and video in MP4. Text should be on a Word document or a Google doc.
Crossover with EPQ and A Level Subjects
You are allowed to submit an entry for an ethics prize – either the essay or creative piece – in the same subject as your EPQ.
A Level Subjects:
Any content you study at A level can ‘inspire’ an ethics prize entry. Essays submitted for the ethics prize must not be identical to an essay written for an A level course. Students studying ethics in RS A level cannot submit essays written for their ethics course. A new subject should be found, and essays completed independently.
Any independent, self-directed and creative work for an A level subject can be submitted for an ethics prize with the inclusion of (up to) 1000 words of explanation. In this way, the ethics prize will encourage creative work with a moral point.