Introduction to Prep
At age 7 pupils move into Prep (Year 3) where the excellent pastoral support provided through Pre-Prep continues. This is a time many new families choose the structure and traditional values of a Birkdale education. Entry into Birkdale Prep School can be at any age, subject to a place being available.
Clarke House, the home of the Prep Department has recently benefited from a significant refurbishment providing improved space for Music, Drama and Modern Languages.
Specialist teaching and classrooms are provided for many subjects. “Real” Science is taught from age 7 in a fully equipped Lab by highly qualified teaching staff. Several of our teachers have experience of teaching at Birkdale Senior School enabling them to stretch the boundaries of KS2. We also have 50:50 ratios of male / female teaching staff.
Dedicated Music, French, Drama, Art, DT and ICT rooms mean that pupils benefit from specialist teachers and teaching facilities in a secure environment. This is great preparation for the transition to the Senior School.
Setting is introduced in Prep 3 (Year 5) for English, Maths and Science. This allows each child to be individually nurtured. Individual targets are set for academic growth and progress is closely monitored. Homework Diaries allow pupils to begin to take responsibility for their work and start to become more independent and self-reliant.
In Prep 4 (Year 6) pupils work towards the Birkdale Senior School Entrance Test which takes place in January. Virtually everyone is offered a place at Birkdale Senior School.