Christian Ethos
Statement of Belief
The governors and senior leadership team are united by the following simple creed or statement of belief, representing some of the basic Christian truths drawn from the Bible.
We believe in:
- God the Father who created the world;
- The Lord Jesus Christ as the only-begotten Son of God, redeemer of the world, and the one mediator, through faith in whom alone, by the grace of God, we receive forgiveness of sins;
- God the Holy Spirit, who guides believers into all truth; and who continues to work with them and in them;
- The incarnation, death, bodily resurrection, ascension and coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ; and
- The trustworthiness and authority of the Bible as the Word of God.
Supportive Community
As a Christian school which warmly welcomes both Christian and non-Christian staff and pupils. Birkdale School aspires to be a community where:
- Christian pupils and staff are encouraged to grow in their Christian faith through Bible study, prayer and practical service
- all pupils have the opportunity to hear and explore what Christians believe, as the gospel of Jesus Christ is explained in age-appropriate ways
- the practical outworking of the Christian faith is evident in the running of the school, in particular through the upholding of Christian values within the culture of the school, through Christians holding key management roles, and in the school’s exceptional pastoral care
- it is safe, normal and encouraged to have open debates about religion and faith, and especially to consider whether the Bible’s accounts and claims of Jesus Christ are trustworthy and reliable
- pupils of all faiths and none are welcomed warmly and, whilst not requiring anyone to say or sing something they do not believe, all are expected to take part in the Christian assemblies and other activities of the school.
We are proud to be a diverse and inclusive school. Our role model in this regard is Jesus Christ, who demonstrated radical love and care for all people, by giving up his life on the cross and calling everyone to follow him in repentance and faith.

Birkdale School Values
The Governors and Senior Leadership of the School seek to lead under the authority and love of Jesus Christ. They actively promote and expect all staff and pupils to live by the School’s values which are drawn from the Christian faith:

Christian Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy within both the Prep and Senior schools is core to Birkdale’s support for staff and pupils.
The chaplaincy role has many faces: a listening ear, organiser of Christian Union (“CU”) meetings, events, trips, assemblies, prayer meetings, and a support to staff, as well as actively encouraging pupils and the Christian gospel.
School assemblies often have a Christian focus, and are led by the Chaplain, senior leadership, other staff (both Christian and non-Christian) and some local churches and trusted Christian organisations.
CU meetings, structured by year groups, are timetabled alongside other extra-curricular clubs and societies, and any pupils are welcome to attend. Content is Bible-based, age-appropriate, and provided by the Chaplain, Christian staff, and some local churches and trusted Christian organisations.
The school has a half-termly evening prayer meeting which commits all aspects of the life of the school to God, giving him thanks and praying for up-coming events. Current and past parents, staff and Governors are warmly welcome.
As already indicated, Birkdale has links with a variety of local churches and local/national Christian organisations, and is a foundation member of TISCA (The Independent Schools Christian Alliance). The school is pleased to note its informal links with The Oakes Christian activity centre in Sheffield, and Gloddaeth Holidays, who run activity and revision weeks in Shropshire and North Wales – both are well attended by many Birkdale pupils.