There are an extensive range of school trips during the course of the academic year, some of which are residential.
Many of these will be directly linked with the curriculum. In addition, each year group enjoys Outdoor Pursuits activities, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Award scheme.

Trips Abroad
We also offer a variety of exciting trips abroad. These include:
- Languages travel to Spain, France and Germany
- Business Studies to China
- Geography visit Iceland
- History to the battlefields of northern France and Belgium
- Nepal – annual 3 week trip to teach in poorer schools in the Kathmandu valley. Please click here for more details
- Rugby tour
- Ski trips take place in different locations in Europe and North America
This is just a flavour of the many activities which take place outside the classroom each year.
The London Research Trip
Each year six students win the opportunity to travel to London and research a topic of their choice for two days in the capital’s libraries, museums and archives. This is an annual competition for S4, S5 and L6. The winners are those students with the best, most imaginative (yet practical) ideas for some academic research. The trip is one of Birkdale’s ‘intellectual curiosity’ initiatives. It’s all about independent learning, choosing the course of your own research, escaping from the limits of the curriculum. Indeed, winners must study a topic separate to their exam syllabuses. It is often a chance for gifted pupils to study something related to their chosen degree course or profession. The London Research Trip generates serious competition each year from students aiming for top university places.